The objective of the game is to complete a full lap around the board (20 spaces). On his turn a player will first roll the die to see which category of questions he will answer. There are six categories: Song (name the song or related trivia), Album (name the album or related trivia), Rock the Song (hum one song from the two provided without singing any lyrics), Rocker (information on a personality of rock ‘n roll), 50/50 (mixed themes with two alternatives provided) and Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n Roll (gadgets, guitars, festivals, anecdotes and myths). The questions are additionally broken down by difficulty in three levels: Poser, Fan and Scientist. It is not necessary to set the difficulty level from the beginning of the game. Each time the category and theme are read out, the player can choose at which level he wishes to play. If a player answers the chosen question correctly, he moves on the board 1, 2 or 3 steps forward, depending on the difficulty of question asked. Rock the Song is an exception: the player moves 2 spaces if the song he is humming is guessed correctly, along with the player that guessed it.
The objective of the game is to complete a full lap around the board (20 spaces). On his turn a player will first roll the die to see which category of questions he will answer. There are six categories: Song (name the song or related trivia), Album (name the album or related trivia), Rock the Song (hum one song from the two provided without singing any lyrics), Rocker (information on a personality of rock ‘n roll), 50/50 (mixed themes with two alternatives provided) and Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n Roll (gadgets, guitars, festivals, anecdotes and myths). The questions are additionally broken down by difficulty in three levels: Poser, Fan and Scientist. It is not necessary to set the difficulty level from the beginning of the game. Each time the category and theme are read out, the player can choose at which level he wishes to play. If a player answers the chosen question correctly, he moves on the board 1, 2 or 3 steps forward, depending on the difficulty of question asked. Rock the Song is an exception: the player moves 2 spaces if the song he is humming is guessed correctly, along with the player that guessed it.
Apart from the rather specialised theme, in the Motörhead Game players can bet on how others will do. After the category and the theme of a question is announced (i.e. Song: Singles, or Song: Lyrics) the other players bet with their poker chips on whether the player will answer the question correctly. Those who bet correctly on whether the player will answer or not will move one space on the board. No betting is allowed in Rock the Song however.
The 50/50 category also plays slightly differently. On the Poser level all is nice and dandy if the answer is not found, however on the Fan and Scientist levels your pick backtracks on the board by 1 or 2 spaces respectively.
Finally, there is an optional rule about not winning through betting and the player having to answer one final question on Poser level.
The game is kind of a misnomer since not all 1.600 questions are about the band and its antics. In Rock the Song for example one of the two songs is always a Motörhead one, the other one however ranges from The Beatles to Alice Cooper and from Buddy Holly to Frank Sinatra. Idem for the Song and Album categories, with questions about Metallica, Queen and Johny Cash amongst countless others.
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